When you’re a kid there comes a point in your life when you get around to calling someone your best friend. I’m not sure how this thing is decided or what the points system is but eventually it somehow happens. In my life I had my first ‘best friend’ when I was 7 and I’d…
Category: Daily Musings
For everyday thoughts and reflections.
You’re Not A Bodybuilder If You Don’t Train Legs
Ever since Instagram/Social Media encouraged narcissism, the whole “I go to the gym” thing has taken on an entirely different meaning. Health and a degree of vanity has been replaced with audience perception and bucket loads of vanity. These days, health rarely makes it to a podium finish unless it has a side effect of…
Freshly Spilled Ink Is Now On X.Com
Wow it’s all happening isn’t it. One minute this is a brand new blog and the next it’s got its own X account. By X of course I mean Twitter. Nobody really thinks of it as X, that would be just silly. Anyway, this is my X (Twitter really) profile so you can follow me…
Breaking The First Blog Post Cherry
Testing… Testing… 1, 2, 3… Is there anybody out there? Don’t be daft—of course there isn’t. This is a brand-new blog, fresh out of the wrapper—nobody even knows about it yet. The only one reading this post right now is me, and that’s exactly how it should be. We don’t want 100 weirdos at the…