It’s a good question right out of the gate and I’m glad you asked it.
I’m a man. In a world of binary, non-binary and not-sure-what-I-am ism’s, I know’sk what I am (as Popeye once said)
Try and say that after a few drinks.
More to the point, I’m a man with a mind and a penchant for a quill that never runs out. Apparently we all have them (minds that is) and at Freshly Spilled Ink I’m going to share with you my observations, musings, memories, stuff that plays havoc with the funny bone and other things I am not yet aware of, therefore I can’t tell you about them until they’ve happened.
Make sense? Good…
What about me? All in good time compardre…
I spend some time running up hills. A bit like Kate Bush but without the hair or the record deal. I also lift weights, but doesn’t everyone with an Instagram account these days. My dream job would have been a professional quiz machine answerer in the 1980’s. Yes, you could do that for a living at one time and if I’d been born earlier I’d have made a killing 😉
I’m looking forward to sharing a plethora of ‘stuff’ with you and getting to know people that pull up a stool and spend an hour in the virtual bar, here on this blog.
Don’t worry about leaving a tip ’cause I haven’t installed a tip jar yet. Mind you, there aren’t any free nuts either.
You can’t have everything 😉
Here at Freshly Spilled Ink the drinks are free and they never end. It’s a bit like Club Tropicana but less camp and you won’t get sunburn.
Yes I know a blog is old skool, but I like that. I used to have one years ago and I lost it down the back of the sofa, it would seem. Everyone loves a comeback and this will be everything the old one was with a cherry planted firmly on top for good measure.
In this fast paced world sometimes it’s good to sit back and just read something with a glass of wine or a cheeky beer, isn’t it? If you’re reading it on Monday-Friday, Adams Ale also works I guess.
‘Cause the water in Majorca don’t taste like what it ‘oughta.
I haven’t created this site for any other reason than sheer indulgence and a place to dump my thoughts ‘journal style’ when the urge takes me.
Cathartic? Maybe it will be. Sometimes writing things down adds clarity to the madness all around us, even if we’re the mad ones.
Yes I could do it on Facebook but aren’t we all rather bored of doom scrolling by now. I’d rather sit here away from all the noise and wait for the saloon doors to burst open from time to time. I come from an era when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people used to ring doorbells to see if someone wanted to come out to play Ackee 1-2-3 😉Â
See you in the comments section and thanks for visiting.
Dean @ Freshly Spilled Ink (don’t forget the .com)